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The Cloud Module - Bagel

Bagel is the code name for the software developed on the Cloud Module ☁️ v1 model. The most distinct features of this model are the NXP LPC1758 microcontroller and the SIMCom 868 chipset. The latter provides support for the 2G IoT network.

Version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0 is out 🎉

This version of the cloud module will be deployed to multiple clients which still are on the legacy hardware using the LPC1758. This version of the Cloud Module will not see any new features and only is maintained to resolve future bugs.

Features 🚀

  • Support UART using an interrupt based receive handler
    • UART is both supported for the communication with the SIMCom module and with external devices
  • Support CAN using an interrupt based receive handler
    • CAN accepts a subset of the allowed CANopen messages
    • CAN receives messages exclusively on ID 0x655
  • Support recovery of errors by restarting the Cloud Module ☁️
  • Support configuration of the Cloud Module ☁️ through index and sub-index information
    • For configuration over the CANbus, the CANopen SDO is used
    • For configuration over UART, the message structure :${index}${sub-index}${data}${crc} is used
  • Support data configuration with a subset of the JSON syntax
    • Supports numbers and strings
    • Does not support a JSON object depth higher than one
  • Support configuration of custom URLs
  • Support Cloud Module SDK 💼 version 2.1.1

Enhancements ✨

Nothing to report.

Patch: ✨

Nothing to report.

Bug Fixes 🐛

Nothing to report.

Last updated: