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The Cloud Module ☁️

The Cloud Module ☁️ is a hardware component which you can integrate into your device by connecting it over CAN bus or UART. The Cloud Module can be configured such that it publishes any data you like. In combination with the Cloud Studio App 📟 they provide a single solution for your data.

The Base Model

The Cloud Module ☁️ is a hardware component able to receive data over either CAN bus or UART, to eventually publish it to your the Cloud Studio App 📟 environment. The Cloud Module makes use of the CAN Open SDO message structure to write incoming data to specific registers.

From data on your application to data in the App 📟, there are three steps involved before you are able to view your data inside the App 📟:

  • Configure — Configure the Cloud Module ☁️ by specifying a Toast 🍞 configuration for your application, and store it on the Cloud Module ☁️ over CAN or UART.

  • Store Data — After configuration, specific registers are accessible for storage. Write your data to these registers.

  • Publish Data — Once all data has been collected, send out the data to your App 📟 environment.

The Sniffer Model

If you want to integrate the Cloud Module ☁️ to an existing application, you might not be able to send the data to the Cloud Module ☁️ as specified in the documents. Instead, you might want the Cloud Module ☁️ to be able to analyse the data on the CAN bus or UART line, and to sniff out the data it needs.

The sniffer model will be developed by us to provide to you a plug-and-play solution. In contrast to the base model, you don't need to configure the Cloud Module ☁️; we will take care of that!


The sniffer model will take up some development time, and thus will bring extra costs with them.

The Cloud Link Box (CLB) provides a protected casing surrounding the Cloud Module and a single connector for all IO. While the Cloud Module ☁️ requires 5V of power, the CLB uses the more standard 24V.

The Cloud Module ☁️ is more suited for integration onto your own application and PCB, while the CLB is more suited for extending an already existing application


The CLB and the sniffer model is a suitable combination if you need a plug-and-play solution.

Development & Configuration

To configure which data is send as what, the Cloud Module will construct a JSON based on the data you send to the registers. Instead of having fixed definitions for each register, the Cloud Module ☁️ uses a custom markup language called Toast 🍞 to allow configuration of the JSON structure through the registers.

The Cloud Module comes with a C/C++ SDK 💼 header file to ease the integration between the Cloud Module ☁️ and your device. If you need in depth customisation, you can reach out to request the specs of the Toast markup language.