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The Roles & Permissions multi-tenant

The role describes what your account is permissioned to view, alter and delete inside the Cloud Studio App 📟. Your role is predefined at the creation of your account.


Do you want to upgrade your account? Contact one of the Administrators at DOT Robot 🤖 to discuss the upgrade.


There are four roles available in the Cloud Studio App 📟. The priority for each role is sorted from highest to lowest privileges:

  • Administrator – Are able to create, alter and delete all the Collections and their fields. Administrators are exclusively employees from DOT Robot 🤖.
  • Supervisors – Are able to alter the Organisation and their Divisions. Supervisors are able to add, alter and delete the employees, Insights and Cloud Modules ☁️ from any Division inside their Organisation.
  • Maintainer – Are able to visualise the data produced by the Cloud Module ☁️, given that the Cloud Module ☁️ has been assigned to their Division.
  • Device – Represents the deployed Cloud Module, and is only able to add telemetry data

Permission Table

The roles can be expressed as a permission table, such that the rows represent the permission for each role for a given Collection 🪣:

Collection 🪣DeviceMaintainer*Supervisor**Administrator
Cloud Modules🎦🎦

What Does it Mean?

  • ✴️ – Permission to create an Item.
  • 🎦 – Permission to view an Item.
  • ✅ – Permission to view, create, alter and delete an Item.

The Constraints

*Permission to perform the action only if their Organisation is associated with the Item.
**Permission to perform the action only if their Division is associated with the Item.


An Organisation is an Item to describe your company. Besides some general information, like your address, you are also able to see the list of Cloud Modules you own among other things:

  • Cloud Module – The Cloud Modules ☁️ you own.
  • Divisions – The Divisions which make up your company.
  • Clients - Other Organisations which are clients of yours.

You Should Know

The Clients field is only visible if your company is assigned a Vendor. If you are not, and instead your company is a Customer, than you can find the Vendor field at your Organisation page.


Each Organisation is subdivided into a set of Divisions. A Division contains all the employees who are assigned to said Division. The Division determines what the employees are able to see or not. These can be included by the Supervisor, and includes:

  • Employees – The Employees assigned to the Division.
  • Insights – The Insight dashboard the employees are allowed to see.
  • Cloud Modules - The Cloud Modules ☁️ for which they are allowed to see the telemetry for.